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Western Slope Veterans Coalition by the Numbers

1 Organization: Western Slope Veterans Coalition (WSVC) is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit, providing outreach to all military service persons, including veterans and their families–connecting veterans to local and national agencies and resources.

2 Years celebrating their new location at 803 Colorado Avenue, Glenwood Springs. The organization was founded in 2015 after the suicides of two Marine Corps combat veterans with local roots: Jesse Beckius and Casey Owens. The physical location for the organization became a reality through a donation of the space from Garfield County in 2017.

3 Counties with services and programs: Garfield, Eagle and Pitkin

5 Branches of the armed forces veterans served: Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Navy and Marine Corps

7 Volunteer directors on the board

9 People assisted with the WSVC emergency fund in 2018

10 People assisted with the emergency fund in 2019, year-to-date

12 percent of Gulf War (Desert Storm) veterans experience PTSD each year. That number rises to about…

15 percent among Vietnam veterans, and as high as…

20 percent for veterans of operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom

60 Veterans per month come together for the Coffee & Donuts event in three counties, sponsored by the WSVC

321 Veterans and their families were served by the WSVC in 2018

40,000 Veterans reside on Colorado’s Western Slope

Please support the important work of this organization with a donation in November, 2019. Give online or at any branch of Alpine Bank. We will match all community contributions up to $5,000. Thank you for your support.

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Alpine Bank Staff

Alpine Bank is an independent, employee-owned organization with headquarters in Glenwood Springs and banking offices across Colorado’s Western Slope, mountains and Front Range.

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