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24Jul 2024

Helping to fund college

The cost of college can be daunting. Tuition and fees vary from state to state, and the total price tag of a college education is much higher than in previous generations.

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20Mar 2024

Tips and strategies

After mortgages, student loan debt is the second largest type of consumer debt. Here are some tips and strategies for paying off student loan debt.

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27Sep 2023

Smart financial planning

When you are approaching the three-year mark before your child enters college, it is time to put a college payment plan into place. Here are some key tactics to consider while you continue to save for college.

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20Mar 2023

Student loan scams

Student loan scammers are capitalizing on the confusion surrounding the rollout, what to watch for.

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16Feb 2023

Debt-free college

Learn how to fund your education without accruing student loan debt. Discover smart strategies and tips for paying for college in this helpful guide.

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15Feb 2022

Keep ahead of rising college costs

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18Aug 2021

Education Reimbursement Program: Alpine Bank's Investment in the Future

Alpine Bank understands the financial burden teachers face. Learn how we support them with our education reimbursement program.

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08Feb 2021

Student Loans & Scholarships at Alpine Bank

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16Jul 2020

Educating Teens about Online Fraud

Teenagers are prime targets for online scammers as they are active users of online platforms. Educate your teen today so they don't fall victim to online fraud.

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17Apr 2020

Planning for College Expenses: Tips for Meeting Your Financial Goals

Financing college for your child can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Read Alpine Bank's guide to meeting your financial goals.

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16Sep 2019

Investing in Education: K-12 and Beyond

Alpine Bank’s popular Pays for A’s program rewards children for getting good grades. See how students are earning cash for their grades.

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24Apr 2019

College Planning Tips

The sooner you begin saving the better off they will be. Read more on things to consider when saving for your child’s college education.

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