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Great Banks Supporting the Women Driving the Electric Vehicle Movement

LaSheita Sayer, a Colorado businesswoman

LaSheita Sayer is an African American businesswoman and entrepreneur, with a passion for green energy solutions to reduce the impacts of climate change.

“I’ve made a conscious decision to shift the focus of my marketing and outreach agency onto projects that educate about electric vehicles, and to support efforts to expand the EV charging station infrastructure,” said LaSheita. “I lean on my business education and international business degree for the various ventures I’ve undertaken in my career.”

Women Who Charge is an organization she founded to promote the adoption of electric vehicles and to advocate for the construction of EV charging station plazas that are safe, and therefore more appealing to women.

“As the world pivots and embraces changes caused by greenhouse gases, industries become more dynamic. The fight to slow the impacts of climate change will require lifestyle changes across the board,” said LaSheita. “Not just for transportation but also in energy generation and conservation. It’s invigorating to be part of an industry that will modify lifestyles for the better.”

LaSheita identified women who drive cars as the target market for Women Who Charge, because she believes that by educating women about EVs, the transition to electric vehicles will be smoother and more efficient. Her second goal is to achieve equality in this new industry, as electric vehicles can be an expensive proposition. “By operating a nonprofit I plan to design a program that helps get cleaner, more cost-effective electric cars into the hands of low-wage earners. Climate change impacts the low-income sector and people of color the fastest and the hardest.


Women Who Charge and Colorado Business Banks

Women Who Charge is a Colorado-based nonprofit advocacy group. “We’re a small board of four and a collection of volunteers. Although our challenges are similar to other small businesses or organizations, and due to the newness of the industry, there are few nonprofits that do what we do.”

She’s impressed by Alpine Bank’s endorsement of green energy projects and understands their commitment to Colorado businesses. “My interests around sustainability and those of Alpine Bank are aligned,” said LaSheita. “They’ve demonstrated a commitment by the simple act of having EV charging stations at their branch offices.”

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“My interests around sustainability and those of Alpine Bank are aligned.”

LaSheita Sayer, Women Who Charge

Women Who Charge is a Small & Mighty contribution to the community of Colorado. To learn more about our Small & Mighty business highlights click here

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Alpine Bank Staff

Alpine Bank is an independent, employee-owned organization with headquarters in Glenwood Springs and banking offices across Colorado’s Western Slope, mountains and Front Range.

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