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Boulder business leaders

Rooted in Colorado, McDonald Pelz Global Commodities exports grain around the globe and banks locally with Alpine Bank

Bobby Pelz says the key to his successful business is connecting dots, bringing out the best in people and allowing them to paint their own picture — using the canvas he provides for them.

“The grain business is 100 percent built on trust and integrity. Your word is your sword,” says Bobby. “My company motto is, ‘Whoever has the most fun wins, and no jerks invited’.”

Fun, innovation and ethics are the constants that have guided McDonald Pelz Global Commodities, with its offices in 15 countries, for the past 41 years. Bobby explains that his company, which he founded in New York City at age 27, maintains enduring principles but is constantly evolving. It was formerly focused on the U.S. domestic and export grain market, but now has operations in South America, Australia, Europe, Singapore and elsewhere in Asia.

“We’ve also sprouted offshoots as the opportunities arose,” he says. Those industries and projects include organics, carbon, biofuels, consultancy, futures and derivatives, and investment in companies in the regenerative agriculture and plant protein space.

As complex as McDonald Pelz’s business operations are, easygoing Boulder has proven to be the perfect home for its business headquarters since moving there in 1991. Its proximity to Denver International Airport, coupled with the unbeatable quality of life and abundance of likeminded associates and neighbors, have validated Bobby’s choice on where to settle both his business and his family.

Alpine Bank Boulder opened in 2019. Not long afterward, McDonald Pelz chose Alpine as its commercial banking partner.

“Alpine Bank has been completely responsive to our company’s needs. As our company has evolved the past few years, Alpine has understood the ever-changing needs we have for support,” says Bobby. “In fact, when we had our world meeting in Kansas City this past September, our Alpine representative joined us there to spend the weekend to further understand our company and what it needs as it moves forward.”

With Alpine Bank’s support and partnership, Bobby can place his focus on running and growing his business, which remains as rewarding and exciting as it was when he first began the operation in 1981. 

“I love the people in our industry,” he says. “The U.S. team, the foreign team, the clients. Everyone.”

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Alpine Bank Staff

Alpine Bank is an independent, employee-owned organization with headquarters in Glenwood Springs and banking offices across Colorado’s Western Slope, mountains and Front Range.

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