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New year, new ways to go green

Adopt these eco-friendly habits

We’re often open to changing bad habits and/or picking up good ones at the start of a new year. Let’s turn that willingness toward resolving to live more sustainably in the year ahead.

The most successful resolutions are simple, so here’s a list of some that can be easily implemented.

  • Unplug unused appliances (they still use electricity)
  • Leave foliage and dead vegetation out over the winter as refuge for insects
  • Use organic fertilizers and pesticides
  • Compost food scraps and yard waste
  • Plant local plants which will thrive without additional watering
  • Plan and prepare meals according to groceries already on hand to reduce waste
  • Close vents in unused areas of your home
  • Choose sustainable products over non-sustainable
  • Group errands/carpool to use less fuel
  • Shop local
  • Recycle more responsibly
  • Give gifts that are experiential rather than material
  • Service your vehicle and rotate tires for optimal gas mileage
  • Consider replacement purchases carefully (there could be more life in what you already own)

About This Author


Pete Yang

Pete Yang is a senior vice president for Alpine Bank and the co-chair of Alpine's "Green Team." He's based in Aspen, where he handles commercial and consumer loans, with a particular focus on resort financing. He has a keen interest in protecting Colorado's unmatched mountain environment.

More about Pete Yang